Update 0.0.9

Update 0.0.9

Halloween Event:
- New bonus map for halloween
- New Jack-O-Lantern pickup that increases max health by 25
- The rocket launcher is available in this level
- Logo on main menu changed to a halloween theme

+ New VFX for the mutant's jump attack landing
+ Added a sound telegraphing the mutant's melee attack
+ Added the wraith enemy:

  • - Has 2 melee attacks
  • - Has 1 ranged attack which is a fast moving fireball
  • - Is immune to fire damage
  • - Enrages when being shot in its pumpkin head
  • - Has 7hp

+ Mutant has a new standing stomp attack
+ Added enraged states to enemies
+ Added an alt fire to the revolver:

  • - A piercing shot that deals up to 3 damage (6 damage on headshots)

+ Added a new popup menu for mechanics that are a bit more complicated to explain (these can be disabled in the menu)
+ Added a news and updates menu to the main menu, see new updates and changelogs here
+ Added a new halloween themed map, available from the bonus maps screen from the main menu
+ Added circular checkpoints that regenerate after 5 seconds. These are used in more open levels to allow backtracking and saving progress
+ Added a teleporter object which can teleport the player

- Mutant's swipe attack now uses vertical distance as part of its distance calculation when working out whether to attack
- Doors now affect navigation mesh (meaning enemies will no longer try to go through doors)
- Increased the time before health pickups vanish (from 3-4 seconds to 6-7 seconds)
- Removed the death icons that appear after the player dies
- Main menu map has been changed
- Main menu layout has been changed
- New main menu music

* The praying fodder at the start of the game are now their own enemy type
* The praying fodder can now be headshot
* Fixed a bug which caused a massive stutter when picking up the gun for the first time


Demo 0.0.9.zip 508 MB
Oct 30, 2024

Get Blitz and Pieces Pre-Alpha Demo

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